Ilan Tojerow

Post-doctoral researcher
Economics & Political Science
Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management


Ilan Tojerow, born in Brussels, has a Degree in Economics & Political Science at Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), a Master (DEA) in European Economic Integration at University of Sussex (UK) and a PhD in Economics at Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). Since October 2009, he is FNRS research associate (Post-doctoral researcher) at SBS-EM , ULB. In 2009-2011 he was Visiting Scholar (Fulbright & BAEF Fellow) at the University of California, Berkeley (Center for Labor Economics). In 2008-2009 Ilan was Visiting research fellow at the Research Department of the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) and visiting assistant professor at UniversitéCatholique de Louvain (UCL). He is also research affiliate at IZA. His fields of competence are: wage inequalities and economic performance, labour economics, gender studies, European integration and labour market policies, transition economies

Research Intrest

Wage inequalities and economic performance, Labour economics, Gender studies, European integration and labour market policies, Transition economies

List of Publications
Du Caju P, Rycx F, Tojerow I (2012) Wage structure effects of international trade in a small open economy: The case of Belgium. Review of world economics 148: 297-331.
Navon G, Tojerow I (2013) Does Rent Sharing Profit Female and Male Workers? Evidence from Israeli Matched Employer-Employee Data. Labour 27: 331-349.
Allegretto S, Tojerow I (2014) Teacher Staffing and Pay Differences: Public and Private Schools. Monthly labor review 9: 1-25.