Guy Massicotte

National Institute of Mental Health

Academician Neurology

Guy Massicotte’s work is mainly focusing on the role phospholipase enzymes and lipids in glutamate receptor regulation during both normal and neuropathological conditions. Full professor in human physiology at the University of Québec He is actually investigating the role of ceramide derivatives in premature ageing of the brain. He is the author of 80 publications some being published in top-quality journals such as Nature Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences FASEB Journal Diabetes Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. Guy Massicotte’s work is mainly focusing on the role phospholipase enzymes and lipids in glutamate receptor regulation during both normal and neuropathological conditions. Full professor in human physiology at the University of Québec He is actually investigating the role of ceramide derivatives in premature ageing of the brain. He is the author of 80 publications some being published in top-quality journals such as Nature Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences FASEB Journal Diabetes Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.

Research Intrest

Alzheimer’s disease