Department of Animal and Fishery Sciences
Yaoundé University
Cameroon harbours an exceptionally rich anuran fauna of about 200 species of which about one third are endemic to the Cameroon Highlands. Mount Manengouba is an exceptional site within this mountain range. It provides home to more than 50% of threatened Cameroonian frogs and toads. This site is considered a priority area for amphibian conservation but is presently threatened by various human activities. This study investigates how altitude and anthropogenic activities influences amphibian community composition. It intend to present a succinct state of knowledge of amphibian biodiversity around Mount Manengouba with particular focus on endemic species while drawing out the importance and need to conserve the study area. It searches for correlation between amphibian species diversity and distribution following an altitudinal gradient. This within the vegetation structure growth forms such as Primary forest, Secondary forest, Farm bushes/Plantations, Savannah. It also evaluates the spatial distribution patterns of amphibians assemblages in pristine and in the mosaic of anthropogenic habitats in the maintenance of frog diversity so as to identify the species most affected by habitat transformation. Using GIS tool, we will map the distribution of strict endemics and other range endemics of the Cameroon highlands found on mount Manengouba to document where they occur.
His research interests include Community; Ecology and conservation of African amphibians and reptiles; Systematics and taxonomy of African amphibians and reptiles