Gannet Hallar

Assistant Research Professor
Division of Atmospheric Sciences
Desert Research Center


In 2003, Dr. Hallar completed her Ph.D. in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Supported by a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship, she worked at NASA Ames Research Center from 2004 2006. In 2006, Dr. Hallar also worked as an adjunct faculty at Santa Clara State University. Most recently as an Assistant Research Professor with the Desert Research Institute, she directs Storm Peak Laboratory, a high elevation atmospheric science facility in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. This laboratory has undergone major changes under her leadership including new instrumentation, new research foci, new field courses, and a significant building expansion. Currently, at Storm Peak Laboratory, Dr. Hallar also work as adjunct faculty for the University of Nevada, Reno and teaches a graduate level field course in Mountain Meteorology.

Research Intrest

Cloud Microphysics, In Situ Trace Gas Measurements

List of Publications
Hygroscopic Growth of Water Soluble Organic Carbon Isolated from Atmospheric Aerosol Collected at U.S. National Parks and Storm Peak Laboratory,
Large contribution of coarse mode to aerosol microphysical and optical properties: Evidence from ground-based observations of a transpacific dust outbreak at a high-elevation North American site,
Impacts of Increasing Aridity and Wildfires on Aerosol Loading in the Intermountain Western U.S.,