Fan Yu

Department of Chemical Engineering
China University of Petroleum

Academician Chemical Engineering

Fan Yu, male, born in June 1973 , Han nationality, Heilongjiang Province Wuchang City, doctor, researcher, Ministry of education of the new century talents, Beijing Science and Technology star, doctoral tutor. In 1996 , he graduated from Dalian University of Technology with chemical engineering. In 2005 , he received his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering and Technology from China University of Petroleum (Beijing). The main research direction is clean oil production, heavy oil processing, new catalytic / functional materials design and synthesis, catalyst preparation of new methods, energy conversion and optimization of the use of The In recent years, presided over the National Natural Science Fund Project 3 , 973 project sub-project 2 , the national science and technology support project topic 1 , a number of provincial and ministerial issues; won the national scientific and technological progress second prize 1 , provincial first prize 3 ; more than 40 patents issued by the invention patent ; published more than 50 papers at home and abroad (including SCI included 49 ).

Research Intrest

Chemical Engineering

List of Publications
Yu F. Accounting transparency and the term structure of credit spreads. Journal of Financial Economics. 2005 Jan 31;75(1):53-84.
Jarrow RA, Yu F. Counterparty risk and the pricing of defaultable securities. the Journal of Finance. 2001 Oct 1;56(5):1765-99.