Eva Žerovnik

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Jozef Stefan Institute

Academician Molecular Biology

Dr. Eva Žerovnik completed phD in 1989 from University of Newcastle upon Tyne. She is working as associate professor in the field of biochemistry

Research Intrest

Cell biology, Molecular biology, biochemistry

List of Publications
Zˇerovnik E, Virden R, Jerala R, Turk V, Waltho JP. On the mechanism of human stefin B folding: I. Comparison to homologous stefin A. Influence of pH and trifluoroethanol on the fast and slow folding phases. Proteins Structure Function and Genetics. 1998 Aug 15;32(3):296-303.
Jenko S, Škarabot M, Kenig M, Gunčar G, Muševič I, Turk D, Žerovnik E. Different propensity to form amyloid fibrils by two homologous proteins—human stefins A and B: searching for an explanation. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 2004 May 1;55(2):417-25.
Zˇerovnik E. Amyloid-fibril formation. Eur J Biochem. 2002;269:3362-71.