Efstathiou M. Angelos

Department of Chemistry
Cyprus University of Technology

Academician Chemistry

  • B.Sc in Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (Metsovion Polytechnion), Athens, Greece, 1981 • M.Sc in Chemical Engineering, The University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA, 1985 • Ph.D in Chemical Engineering, The University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA, 1989 • Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA, 1989-1991   • Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Chemical Engineering and High Temperature Chemical Processes (ICE/HT-FORTH), Patras, Greece, 1991-1994 • Assistant Research Professor, Institute of Chemical Engineering and High Temperature Chemical Processes (ICE/HT-FORTH), Patras, Greece, 1994–1996   • Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Sciences and Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1997 –2002 • Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2002 – 2008 • Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2008 - present   • Vice Dean, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Cyprus (2011-2014)   • Editor, Catalysis Communications (June 2016 -   )   • Editorial Advisory Board Member, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Elsevier Publisher Ltd (2012 - ) • Editorial Advisory Board Member, The Scientific World Journal, Hindawi Publishing Corporation (2012 - ) • Editorial Advisory Board Member, The Open Environmental Engineering Journal, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd (2008- ) • Editorial Advisory Board Member, Recent Patents on Materials Science, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd (2009- 2012)   • National Representative of the European Program COST of the European Union: Chemistry and Molecular Sciences and Technology (CMST)(2008- 2013) • Member of the National Bioethics Committee of Cyprus (2007-2010) • Elected Representative of the Greek Catalysis Society in the European Federation of Catalysis Societies (EFCATS)(2011- )   • Recipient of Royal Award for Sustainable Technology Transfer 2008, COPENMIND (2 Sept. 2008, Copenhagen), European Environment Agency - Novel Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx Using Hydrogen in Strongly Oxidizing Conditions at Low-Temperatures for Stationary NOx Control

Research Intrest

  • Design and Development of Heterogeneous Catalysts • Environmental Catalysis (NOx, CO, H2S, and nitrates (liquid phase) de-pollution) • Development of Novel Environmental Catalytic Technologies for Industrial NOx Control (e.g. H2-SCR; H2/CO-SCR; H2/HC-SCR) • Catalytic Technologies for Hydrogen Production (e.g. Biomass Gasification, Water-Gas Shift Reaction, Steam Reforming of Organic Compounds) • Investigation of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reaction Mechanisms – Use of Advanced Isotopic Operando Techniques • Catalyst Characterization by in situ Dynamic and Spectroscopic Techniques • Mathematical Modeling of Transient Kinetic Experiments in Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

List of Publications
Efstathiou, A.M., in "Catalysis", Elucidation of Mechanistic and Kinetic Aspects of Water-Gas Shift Reaction on Supported Pt and Au Catalysts via Transient Isotopic Techniques, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016, Vol. 28, Ch. 7, pp. 175-236.
Vasiliades, M.A., Makri, M.M., Djinovic, P., Erjavec, B., Pintar, A., Efstathiou*, A.M., Dry Reforming of Methane over 5 wt% Ni/Ce1-xPrxO2-δ Catalysts: Performance and Characterisation of Active and Inactive Carbon by Transient Isotopic Techniques, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 197 (2016) 168-213.
Andriopoulou, C., Trimpalis, A., Petallidou, K.C., Sgoura, A., Efstathiou, A.M., Boghosian*, S., Structural and Redox Properties of Ce1-xZrxO2-δ and Ce0.8Zr0.15RE0.05O2-δ (RE: La, Nd, Pr, Y) Solids Studied by High Temperature in Situ Raman Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C 121 (2017) 7931-7943.
Kalamaras, C.M., Olympiou, G.G., Parvulescu, V.I., Cojocaru, B., Efstathiou*, A.M., Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO by H2/C3H6 over Pt/Ce1-xZrxO2-δ: The Synergy Effect Studied by Transient Techniques, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 206 (2017) 308-318.

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