Eddy Chung

Associate Research Professor Climatology
Division of Atmospheric Sciences
Desert Research Center


Dr. Chung’s research is focused on reducing the uncertainty in the effect of aerosol on climate.  To do this, he integrates and analyses aerosol observations to reduce the uncertainty in aerosol; uses observations to constrain the optical properties (such as the single scattering albedo) of each aerosol species; and uses observations to constrain the aerosol direct radiative forcing.  In addition, he does climate modelling experiments with aerosol effects in a way that focuses on reducing the uncertainty of a chosen climate model.  He also attempts to reduce the uncertainty in greenhouse gas radiative forcing and looks into the effect of more accurate greenhouse gas forcing on climate

Research Intrest

Climate, Climate modeling, aerosol radiative forcing, radiation

List of Publications
Brown Carbon Absorption in the Red and Near Infrared
Ultra-Fine Resolution Air Quality Climatology Map Over Reno
Brown carbon absorption in the red and near-infrared spectral region