E. Bakker

Terrorism and Contraterrorism
Leiden University


  Edwin Bakker is professor in Terrorism and Counterterrorism at Leiden University and director of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs in The Hague. His fields of research are radicalisation, jihadi terrorism and in particular profiles of (jihadi) terrorists. In addition, his research is focussed on dealing with (fear of) terrorism and the policy implications in this field.  Edwin Bakker teaches courses in the master programme Crisis & Security Management of the Leiden University (e.g. Counter Terrorism, Security, Crisis & Communication) and is guest lecturer at, amongst others, the Utrecht University, Institute Clingendael and the NATO Defence College.  Additionally, he is a fellow at the International Center for Counter Terrorism (ICCT) and board member of the Dutch Helsinki Committee and the Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association. Edwin Bakker is futhermore editor at the English magazines Security & Human Rights and Journal of Strategic Security and the Dutch Magazines Vrede & Veiligheid and Internationale Spectator.

Research Intrest

 radicalisation, jihadi terrorism and in particular profiles of (jihadi) terrorists.