dr. W. Przepiorka

Social Sciences - Sociology
Utrecht University


I do theory driven empirical social research. I use theoretical models to derive hypotheses and test these hypotheses empirically using laboratory and field experiments or advanced methods of statistical data analysis. I have systematically pursued three research agendas. My first research agenda explores and exploits the potential of signalling theory to explain human social interaction. My second research agenda investigates how social norms emerge and are enforced by sanctions. My third research agenda investigates how rating systems promote social and economic exchange in licit and illicit markets. Although primarily fundamental, my research aims at informing the design of socio-economic systems. My research has been published in the American Journal of Political Science, American Sociological Review, European Sociological Review, Evolution and Human Behavior, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, Social Forces, and other disciplinary and cross-disciplinary outlets.

Research Intrest

Institutions (strategic theme)