Dr Usman Naeem

University of East London
United Kingdom

Academician Engineering

Dr Usman Naeem PhD(Lon) BSc(Lon) FHEA is a senior lecturer at the ACE (University of East London, UK) and received his PhD from Queen Mary University of London in 2009. His research focus is on assistive technologies to support independent living for elderly community, which includes machine learning techniques, mobile computing, and ambient intelligent environments. Usman's current research interests are within the areas of Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing

Research Intrest

Usman's research interests include (but not limited to): Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing, Machine Learning, Semantic Reasoning, Activity Recognition, Task Recognition, RFID Sensors and Networks, Object Usage, Activities of Daily Life (ADL) modelling, Context Awareness, Assisted Living, Smart Homes and Environments.

List of Publications
Azam MA, Loo J, Naeem U, Adeel M (2013) Recognising indoor/outdoor activities of low entropy people using Bluetooth proximity and object usage data. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications 9.
Sarantinos N,Al-Nemrat A,Naeem U (2013) Statistical Sampling Approach to Investigate Child Pornography Cases. in Proceedings of the Fourth Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Workshop, Sydney.
Tawil AH, Taweel A, Naeem U,Montebello M, Bashroush R, et al. (2014)Integration operators for generating RDF/OWL-based user defined mediator views in a grid environment. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems.

Global Scientific Words in Engineering