Dr Susan Wijffels

Theme Leader
 Global Ocean Observing System
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)


Dr Susan Wijffels is recognised for her international and national leadership of the Global Ocean Observing System and is regarded as an expert in Indonesian Throughflow and its significance in global heat and freshwater budgets. She also aims to quantify and understand large-scale multi-decadal ocean warming and global salinity changes. She currently leads the IMOS Argo Australia facility, and is co-Chair of International Argo Science Team. She is also a member of IOC/UNESCO International Steering Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System. Dr Wijffels is a recipient of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society’s Priestly Medal and the Australian Academy of Sciences’ Dorothy Hill Award.

Research Intrest

Physical Oceanography

List of Publications
Simulating the role of surface forcing on observed multidecadal upper ocean salinity changes.
Ocean temperatures chronicle the ongoing warming of Earth. Nature Climate Change,
Sensitivity of global ocean heat content estimates to mapping methods, XBT bias corrections, and baseline climatology,