Protestant Theology
University of Munster
1959 Born in Gomadingen (Baden-Württemberg) 1969-1979 Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium Göttingen 1979-1980 Languagexamina in Hebrew, Greek, Latin WS 79/80 Start of studies at the University of Göttingen 1980-1985 Study of Ev. Theology and Philosophy at the Philipps-University of Marburg (Hesse) 1981-1984 Stud. Hilfskraft for Systematic Theology 1985 First Theological Examination before the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Landeskirche Hannovers 1985-1987 Wiss. Hilfkraft for the New Testament at the University of Münster 1987-1990 Doctoral thesis of the Ev. Studienwerkes SS 1988 Tutor at the Collegium Philippinum Marburg for theology scholars in the preparation of the philosopher 1990 Rigorosum and doctorate in Ev. Theology 1991 Speaker at Ev. Academy Hofgeismar 1991-1992 Vicariate in the Ev. Church of Westphalia 1991 School education at the Kant-Gymnasium Münster 1991/1992 Speaker at the Internat. Symposion "Leibniz and Adam" in Jerusalem 1992 Second theological examination before the Ev. Church of Westphalia 1992 Awarding of the sponsorship prize for the young scientists 1992-1995 Parish priest at the Ev. Gnadenkirche Münster / Westfalen (during 1993-95 training in Clinical Pastoral Care / KSA) 1995 Referent at the 9th Internat. Congress on the Age of Enlightenment and on the 50th Ger. Geographentag in Potsdam 1995-2007 Educator of the Ev. Kirchenkreises Münster / Westfalen 01.03.2007 Oberstudienrat in the university service of the EMU Married to Christiane Holze