Dr. Kirsten Herger

Lecturer ESW
Institute Pre-primary and primary level Fabrikstrasse 8
Padagogische Hochschule Bern

Academician Pediatrics

Professional background Since 2009 Lehrauptrag at the institute preschool and primary school 2008-2011 Assistant to the Center for Research and Development PHBern 2007-2009 Assistant to the Institute for Preschool and Primary PHBern 2007-2008 Scientific assistant in the project "Learning 21+", FHNW, PH Solothurn 2005-2007 Auxiliary assistant PHBern, institute for pre-primary and primary level 2005 Assistant Assistant, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Educational Psychology 2001-2004 Part-time studies as a teacher at the intermediate level education 2008-2012 Doctorate in Educational Science (focus on pedagogical psychology), University of Berne 2001-2007 Studies of educational science (focus on pedagogical psychology), sociology and theater studies at the University of Bern 1996-2001 State Seminar for Primary Teachers Hofwil

Research Intrest

Work areas at PHBern Lernpsychologie lesson planning Open forms of teaching and learning Classroom Management

List of Publications
Herger, Kirsten (2016). Introduce and comply with the rules. 4 to 8. Fachzeitschrift for kindergarten and lower level. (3), 24-25.
Wannack, Evelyne ; Herger, Kirsten (2011). Classroom Management as a connecting element between kindergarten and elementary school. In: Kucharz, Diemut; Irion, Thomas; Reinhoffer, Bernd (Eds.), Basic Education without Fractions. (127-132). Wiesbaden: VS Publisher for Social Sciences.
Herger, Kirsten (2013). Playing and learning support in kindergarten and lower school during open classes. In: Wannack, Evelyne ; Bosshart, Susanne; Eichenberger, Astrid; Fuchs M Michael; Hardegger, Elisabeth; Marti, Simone Maria (eds.), 4- to 12-year-old. Your educational and out-of-school learning and living worlds. (172-180). Waxmann.