Dr. K. V. Raghupathy

Assistant Professor
Deaprtment of English
Central University of Tamil Nadu


Dr K. V. Raghupathi (born 1957 in a Telugu speaking family, Andhra Pradesh) writes in English. He is a poet, short story writer, novelist, book reviewer and critic. An Indian author best known for his poetry in English language. His poetry is rooted in the abundance of philosophy, nature, transcendentalism, imagery and social perspectives, and replete with similes, metaphors, personifications, apostrophe, irony, climax, anti-climax and full of rhetoric and symbols. More often he takes the readers on the spiritual exploration of radical philosophical thoughts which strongly speak through all the collections.

Research Intrest

English literature, language and philosophy

List of Publications
Raghupathi KV. Yoga and Zen: a monograph. Sharada Publishing House; 2007.
Raghupathi D, Venkatesha M, Raghavan KV. Opinion of clientele towards Raitha Samparka Kendra. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2011;45(1):124-7.
Raghupathi KV. Emersons Orientalism.