Dr Cecilia Barnbaum

Physics and Astronomy
Valdosta State University


Dr Cecilia Barnbaum, PhD, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, PhD in Astronomy from UCLA. Teaches Introductory Astronomy, Astrobiology, Mathematical Methods of Physics, and Quantum Mechanics.

Research Intrest

My research interests include: dying low-mass stars, molecules in space, chemical evolution of the Galaxy. Things I used to do when I had time: spin wool, make quilts, write children's books. Love teaching, hate anchovies, fire ants, and rabies shots.

List of Publications
Sahai, R., Morris, M., Knapp, G., Young, K., & Barnbaum, C., 2003 "A Newly Launched, Collimated, High-Speed Outflow from a Dying Star" Nature, 20 November
Geballe, T., Noll, K, Morris, M. and Barnbaum, C. 2005, "CO Infrared lines in U Equ," Astrophysical Journal , 624, 983
Buchanan, C. L., Kastner, J. H., Forrest, W J., Hrivnak, B. J., Sahai, R., Egan, M., Frank, A. and Barnbaum, C., 2006 "A Spitzer IRS Spectral Atlas of Luminous 8 µ Sources in the Large Magellanic Cloud," accepted by the Astronomical Journal , July 2006