Dr Belinda Cridge

Lecturer / Programme Director
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicolog
Otago University
New Zealand


Position Lecturer / Programme Director Department Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Qualifications PhD Research summary Mechanistic toxicology, hepatotoxicity, animal toxicology Teaching PHAL 306 Human Toxicology MSc Toxicology Memberships ANZCCART (NZ) Science Communication Association of NZ

Research Intrest

My research interests fall within the area of the primary industries and as such students who study toxicology at the undergraduate level or work with me as a research student may be eligible for funding or support through a range of initiatives. As a starting point I suggest looking at the Growing NZ website to find out more about careers and opportunities within the primary industries sector.

List of Publications
Cridge, B. J., Larsen, L., & Rosengren, R. J. (2013). Curcumin and its derivatives in breast cancer: Current developments and potential for the treatment of drug-resistant cancers. Oncology Discovery, 1(6). doi: 10.7243/2052-6199-1-6
Cridge, B. J., & Rosengren, R. J. (2013). Critical appraisal of the potential use of cannabinoids in cancer management. Cancer Management & Research, 5, 301-313. doi: 10.2147/CMAR.S36105
Cridge, B. J., Larsen, L., & Rosengren, R. J. (2013). Curcumin and its derivatives in breast cancer: Current developments and potential for the treatment of drug-resistant cancers. Oncology Discovery, 1(6). doi: 10.7243/2052-6199-1-6
Cridge, B. J., & Rosengren, R. J. (2013). Critical appraisal of the potential use of cannabinoids in cancer management. Cancer Management & Research, 5, 301-313. doi: 10.2147/CMAR.S36105
Gliddon, C. M., & Cridge, B. (2015). Psychoactive Substances Bill and Act of New Zealand: A chance to engage undergraduate scientists with society using a transfer learning paradigm. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, 14(1), A1-A7.
France, B., Cridge, B., & Fogg-Rodgers, L. (2017). Organisational culture and its role in developing a sustainable science communication platform. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 7(2), 146-160. doi: 10.1080/21548455.2015.1106025

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