Dr Axel Colling

diagnostic tests for infectious diseases.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)

Academician Biomedical Sciences

I am a veterinarian with expertise in validation of diagnostic tests for infectious diseases. I am also interested in developing new approaches for modern quality control and quality assurance and use this information to establish quality systems and laboratory accreditation based on ISO 17025 and OIE quality standards. I apply my skills in scientific and technical collaboration with veterinary diagnostic laboratories in and outside Australia.I studied veterinary medicine at the UNAM in Mexico city and Munich, Germany from where I obtained my license to practice in 1988.From 1988 - 1990 I did experimental work for my doctoral thesis entitled: "Detection of VIA (Virus-Infection-Associated) antibodies in cattle using a competitive, indirect sandwich ELISA and Immunodiffusion test" at Panaftosa, Brazil. My work was supported by a grant from the German Academic Exchange service (DAAD).A postgraduate course in tropical veterinary medicine, epidemiology, economics and modeling at the Free University of Berlin and field work in Africa further shaped my professional development and in 1993 I started to work for two UN animal health projects in Zanzibar (Tsetse fly) and Sudan (Rinderpest). Upon return I was offered a position to look after the animal health projects in Latin America at the Joint FAO/IAEA in Vienna, Austria. During eight years I extensively travelled and visited almost all research and diagnostic laboratories in Latin America and became familiar with the transfer and validation of diagnostic tests and how to interpret diagnostic test results in different epidemiological settings. During the second half of my assignment I was in charge of a global proficiency testing program, which allowed laboratories from developing countries to take steps in establishing quality systems.

Research Intrest

OIE Collaborating Centre for Diagnostic Test Validation Science

List of Publications
Flavivirus detection and differentiation by a microsphere array assay
A comparative evaluation of feathers, oropharyngeal swabs and cloacal swabs for the detection of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza infection in chickens and ducks
Molecular detection of Mikrocytos mackini in Pacific oysters using quantitative PCR