Dr. Anne B. Clark

Associate Professor
Biological Sciences
Binghamton University
United States of America

Academician General Science

Dr. Anne B. Clark is working as Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at Binghamton University. She has done BA, PhD from University of Chicago. She has more than 60 publications

Research Intrest

Ecology and evolution of non-human animal social behaviors Studies of parent-offspring relations in birds

List of Publications
Oravcova V, Zurek L, Townsend A, Clark AB, Ellis JC, Cizek A, Literak I. American crows as carriers of vancomycin‐resistant enterococci with vanA gene. Environmental microbiology. 2014 Apr 1;16(4):939-49.
Mates EA, Tarter RR, Ha JC, Clark AB, McGowan KJ. Acoustic profiling in a complexly social species, the American crow: caws encode information on caller sex, identity and behavioural context. Bioacoustics. 2015 Jan 2;24(1):63-80.
Jamborova I, Dolejska M, Zurek L, Townsend AK, Clark AB, Ellis JC, Papousek I, Cizek A, Literak I. Plasmid‐mediated resistance to cephalosporins and quinolones in Escherichia coli from American crows in the USA. Environmental Microbiology. 2017 May 1;19(5):2025-36.

Global Scientific Words in General Science