NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer
Cambridge University
United Kingdom
Andy trained in Glasgow and Edinburgh, before undertaking a PhD in the Centre for Inflammation Research at the University of Edinburgh with Professors John Simpson and Timothy Walsh. His research is centred around nosocomial infection in intensive care and the immune defects found in critical illness. During his PhD he identified C5a as a key mediator of neutrophil dysfunction in critically ill patients, and demonstrated how this can lead to secondary infections such as ventilator associated pneumonia. This has lead on to post-doctoral projects in the diagnosis and management of nosocomial infection. He moved to Cambridge to complete his training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, and continue his research into the mechanisms which underpin immune dysfunction in critical illness.
Anaesthesia,Clinical Medicine, Biomarkers in ventilator-acquired pneumonia and Immunophenotyping neutrophil-Treg interactions.