Dr Alasdair Jubb

Clinical Lecturer
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine
Cambridge University
United Kingdom

Academician Anesthesiology

Alasdair studied medicine in Cambridge and Edinburgh, and then began his training in anaesthesia and critical care medicine in Exeter. He returned to Edinburgh to undertake his PhD jointly at the Roslin Institute and the MRC Human Genetics Unit, studying the genomic effects of glucocorticoids on macrophages. Alasdair came to Cambridge in 2015 from a Clinical Lecturer post at the University of Edinburgh. He has joined the Carroll group at the CRUK Cambridge Institute to further his study of how nuclear hormone receptors and their ligands bring about both acute and long-term genomic changes.

Research Intrest

Stress, Glucocorticoid, Chromatin, Macrophage, Monocyte, Quantifying chromatin reorganisation and genomic responses in human monocytes in response to glucocorticoids.

List of Publications
Din JN, Ashman OA, Aftab SM, Jubb AW, Newby DE, Flapan AD. Increased arterial stiffness in healthy young South Asian men. Journal of human hypertension. 2006 Feb 1;20(2):163-5.
Din JN, Aftab SM, Jubb AW, Carnegy FH, Lyall K, Sarma J, Newby DE, Flapan AD. Effect of moderate walnut consumption on lipid profile, arterial stiffness, and platelet activation in humans. European journal of clinical nutrition. 2011 Feb;65(2):234.
Jubb AW, Young RS, Hume DA, Bickmore WA. Enhancer turnover is associated with a divergent transcriptional response to glucocorticoid in mouse and human macrophages. The Journal of Immunology. 2016 Jan 15;196(2):813-22.