Dr Aaron Kans

University of East London
United Kingdom

Academician Engineering

I am a Principal Computer Science Lecturer and currently Head of Undergraduate Computing programmes. I am also the author of several text books that are used both nationally and internationally and the winner of the Best Lecturer award at the UEL Student Led Teaching Awards. I have been at UEL for over 10 years and have taught at all levels within our set of computing programmes, largely in the area of software engineering. I have co-authored three text-books, which are widely used throughout the UK and overseas. I am currently the link tutor for our oversees collaborations with FTMS in Singapore and Malaysia as well as being the Head of Undergraduate Programmes in Computer Science and Informatics.

Research Intrest

My research interests lie in the area of Software Engineering, specifically Formal Methods; Safety Critical Software and Computer Science Education.

List of Publications
Hayton C, Kans A (1994) Using ABC to Prototype VDM Specifications. ACM SIGPLAN Notices Pp: 27-37.
Draganova C, Kans A, Lee SW (2010) Intelligent Feedback to Enhance the Student Learning Experience in Scholarship in Learning, Teaching and Assessment, UEL (2010).
Imafidon C, Kans A, Edoh A (2010) A Clinical Information System Optimisation Framework using CMAUT. icirest 2010 Innovative Research In Engineering And Technology.

Global Scientific Words in Engineering