Assistant Specialist
Department Of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences
University of Hawaii
United States of America
Education: B.Sc., Dietetics/Nutrition, Human Ecology Department, Michigan State University (1971). Ph.D., Nutrition with minors in Systemic Physiology and Physiological Chemistry, Avian Science Department, University of California, Davis (1983). Dissertation title: Avian carnivore nutrition: food recognition, nutrient intakes, and utilization of nitrogen in Red-tailed Hawks and American Kestrels. Postdoctoral Fellow - Zoology Department, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. (September 1980 to November 1985). Conducted research to establish and evaluate impacts affecting the reproductive success of the Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres) - including calcium requirements. -C.N.S., Certified Nutrition Specialist from the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists, March 1995; recertified July 2008. -Institute Food Technology Training - on the National Labeling and Education Act (1993). -American Culinary Federation - Culinary Educator Training (2001, 2002)
Extension/Research Interests: My research interests are varied: both human and wildlife nutrition. Presently, my nutrition interests are primarily focused on humans and driven by a quote by McCance and Widdowson (1940). “A knowledge of the chemical composition of foods is the first essential in dietary treatment of disease or in any quantitative study of human nutrition.” =Integrity of food composition data as it relates to today’s foods and evaluation of food intake data =Misuse of nutrient composition information, especially on the internet =Bioavailability of nutrients – specifically using a Caco-2 cell culture system to compare the amount of iron being absorbed from different foods =Functionality of nutrients and sub-clinical manifestations of nutrient deficiencies – specifically iron =Evaluation of standard medical practice blood tests to evaluate iron deficiencies =The relationship of nutrient deficiencies to the increasing incidence of autism