Daniela Brina

postdoctoral researcher
Molecular Oncology
Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland

Academician Immunology

Daniela joined the Molecular Oncology group of in 2016.

Research Intrest

cell-based theory, Computational Oncology, Immunology, Targeted Therapy

List of Publications
Brina D, Miluzio A, Ricciardi S, Clarke K, Davidsen PK, Viero G, Tebaldi T, Offenhäuser N, Rozman J, Rathkolb B, Neschen S. eIF6 coordinates insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism by coupling translation to transcription. Nature communications. 2015 Sep 18;6.
Brina D, Miluzio A, Ricciardi S, Biffo S. eIF6 anti-association activity is required for ribosome biogenesis, translational control and tumor progression. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms. 2015 Jul 31;1849(7):830-5.
Brina D, Grosso S, Miluzio A, Biffo S. Translational control by 80S formation and 60S availability: the central role of eIF6, a rate limiting factor in cell cycle progression and tumorigenesis. Cell cycle. 2011 Oct 15;10(20):3441-6.