D. Geoffrey Vince

Department Chair
Biomedical Engineering
Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute
United States of America

Academician Medicine

Stroke is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among patients with cardiovascular disease and the major cause of long-term disability in the United States. Current imaging modalities are primarily used to determine the severity of luminal stenosis resulting from carotid plaque.

Research Intrest

Research Interest is in Cardiovascular imaging; stroke; histology; image and signal processing; atherosclerosis

List of Publications
García-García HM, Mintz GS, Lerman A, Vince DG, Margolis MP, van Es GA, Morel MA, Nair A, Virmani R, Burke AP, Stone GW, Serruys PW. Tissue characterisation using intravascular radiofrequency data analysis: recommendations for acquisition, analysis, interpretation and reporting. EuroIntervention, 2009 Jun;5(2):177-89.
Chandrana C, Kharin N, Vince DG, Roy S; Fleischman A; Demonstration of Second Harmonic IVUS feasibility with Focused Broadband Miniature Transducers. IEEE UFFC, 2010.