Christen Billie

Specialist IV-Project Support
Biomass Program 
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
United States of America

Academician General Science

Billie Christen joined the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) as the Project Coordinator for the Biomass Program in 1999. She was then promoted to Business Manager for the Biomass Program in 2007. In 2008, the Project Management Center (PMC) was moved to the U.S. Department of Energy Golden Field Office. Christen then became the liaison with Contracts and Business Services for the Biomass and Biosciences Centers.

Research Intrest

Biomass and Biosciences 

List of Publications
Foust T, Wooley R, Himmel M, Jechura J, Ibsen K, Dayton D, Ashworth J, Sheehan J, Wallace R, McCormick R, Sandor D. X 30: A scenario for supplying 30 percent of 2004 motor gasoline with ethanol by 2030. InThe 29th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals 2007 Apr 29.

Global Scientific Words in General Science