Senior Lecturer
School of Health Sciences
City University London
United Kingdom
"Chris is a mental health nurse, researcher and lecturer with over 25 years experience of working in and around the NHS either in clinical practice, research or the training of staff. Chris has worked at City University London since 2003, having previously worked at the University of East Anglia and the Institute of Psychiatry. Chris has also recently worked for the East London Foundation Trust and the National Patient Safety Agency. His research interests include patient safety and health economics. Chris originally trained as an adult nurse at Charing Cross Hospital in London and as a mental health nurse at the Maudsley, London. Chris has participated in a number of clinical trials and has led on the economic evaluations. These trial evaluations have included a Department of Health funded study of the cost effectiveness of Occupational Therapy versus Social Work and an economic evaluation in the use of advance directives for service users with psychosis. With other health economists he also conducted an economic evaluation of laparoscopic surgery versus medication. He has also participated in the development of interview schedules for capturing resource use associated with staff time in mental health care settings. All these projects have been successfully published in top journals including the British Medical Journal, the British Journal of Surgery and Age and Ageing. Chris has worked as a researcher at the Institute of Psychiatry and a Health Economics Research Associate at the University of East Anglia. He has expertise in research and evaluation with a special interest in health economics having completed a MSc in Economic Evaluation and Quantitative Methods in Health Care and a PhD based on outcomes measures and economic evaluation both at City University London where he currently works as a Senior Lecturer. Chris has previously been the Manager of the Research and Evaluation Team at the National Patient Safety Agency for two years between May 2009 and May 2011, managing a research team and ensuring the delivery of the evaluation projects. Whilst there he led on national evaluation programmes including an evaluation on reducing the risk of overdose with midazolam injection in adults and an evaluation of resuscitation in mental health and learning disability settings. He also led on a national evaluation of the implementation of the Never Events Framework 2009/10, a policy designed in response to High Quality Care For All (DOH, 2008) to help Primary Care Trusts monitor and prevent serious adverse events."
Mental health service utility and the measurement of costs associated with adverse events.