Chen Guangjin

Department of Chemical Technology
China University of Petroleum

Academician Chemical Engineering

Chen Guangjin , male , born in 1965 , Hunan , democratic party , doctoral, professor . In 1987 graduated from the Beijing University of Chemical Technology, respectively, in 1990 and 1993 in Tianjin University received master's and doctoral degrees. From 1993 to 1995 at the China University of Petroleum (Beijing) to do postdoctoral. Were promoted to associate professors and professors in 1995 and 1999 respectively . Currently for the China University of Petroleum ( Beijing ) Institute of Chemical Engineering doctoral tutor, China Petroleum Oil and Gas Reservoirs focus on the Department of fluid research director, director of hydrate research. In 2003 by the Huo Yingdong youth teacher fund, in 2005 selected the Ministry of education " new century talent support plan " , in 2009 won the national outstanding youth fund. 2007 was hired as " Eleventh Five-Year " 863 plan marine technology " natural gas hydrate exploration and development of key technologies " Major project overall expert. 2000 years by the internationally renowned journal "Chemical Engineering Science" appointed guest editor; now the " Current Physical Chemistry ," the guest editor, " Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering ", "Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities" and " at The Open Thermodynamics Journal " compilation Deputy director of the committee and natural gas hydrate professional committee. Mainly engaged in high-pressure fluid phase and gas hydrate aspects of scientific research and technology development. In recent years, presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of a major project topic 1 , surface items 4 , "863" project topics 4 , provincial and ministerial level 8 ; published more than 100 articles, of which more than 70 articles were included in SCI . Domestic and foreign patent applications 30 remainder, which has made Chinese invention patent 22 items, international patents 2 ; published monograph gas hydrate 1 part textbooks 1 department. 2004 by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association of scientific and technological progress award, 2010 won the first prize of the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education and was nominated for the award by the International Award ENI Award 2011 , 2012 . Guidance of the doctoral students 1 people won the National 100 outstanding doctoral thesis award.

Research Intrest

Chemical Technology

List of Publications
Changyu S, Wenzhi L, Xin Y, Fengguang LI, Qing Y, Liang M, Jun C, Bei L, Guangjin C. Progress in research of gas hydrate. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2011 Feb 1;19(1):151-62.
Bai D, Zhang X, Chen G, Wang W. Replacement mechanism of methane hydrate with carbon dioxide from microsecond molecular dynamics simulations. Energy & Environmental Science. 2012;5(5):7033-41.