Cheah Singfoong

Scientist IV-Multi Discipline
Geological and Environmental Sciences
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
United States of America


Ph.D., Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, M.S., Physics, Stanford University, B.S., Physics, Dartmouth College. Areas of Expertise: X-ray absorption spectroscopy and spectromicroscopy, Operando and in situ experiments, Single- and multiple-scattering modeling

Research Intrest

I conduct fundamental studies to understand catalytic and naturally occurring reactions related to biomass to biofuel conversion. I am passionate about research that enhances our understanding of the chemistry that occurs during biomass to biofuel conversion and the mechanisms in which a catalyst can accelerate selective reactions. I am particularly interested in the following areas.

List of Publications
Cheah S, Malone SC, Feik CJ. Speciation of sulfur in biochar produced from pyrolysis and gasification of oak and corn stover. Environmental science & technology. 2014 Jul 8;48(15):8474-80.
Cheah S, Gaston KR, Parent YO, Jarvis MW, Vinzant TB, Smith KM, Thornburg NE, Nimlos MR, Magrini-Bair KA. Nickel cerium olivine catalyst for catalytic gasification of biomass. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2013 May 2;134:34-45.
Cheah S, Carpenter DL, Magrini-Bair KA. Review of mid-to high-temperature sulfur sorbents for desulfurization of biomass-and coal-derived syngas. Energy & Fuels. 2009 Oct 16;23(11):5291-307.