Carlos A. Castañeda

Assistant Professor
Syracuse University
United States of America

Academician Biochemistry

As an undergraduate, he studied chemistry and mathematics at La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA. He then worked as a research technician at the Wistar Institute in Harold Riethman’s lab, before moving to Baltimore to attain his PhD in molecular biophysics at Johns Hopkins University (he highly recommends this graduate program). He worked with Bertrand García-Moreno and graduated in late 2008. After a 6-month stay as a postdoc at JHU, he moved down I-95 and did his postdoctoral training at University of Maryland, College Park with David Fushman, before moving to Syracuse in August 2014. One of the things that kept him sane through graduate and postdoc life was running. He ran Chicago, Philadelphia and DC half-marathons, as well as the Philly Marathon in 2011. He currently spends his free time either playing DDR, or changing diapers for his new baby, Luke Francis.

Research Intrest

Biophysics, biochemistry. Structural biology. Chemical biology. Physical biochemistry. Post-translational modifications. Neurological disorders. Ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteins. Nuclear magnetic resonance. Mass spectrometry.

List of Publications
Berlin K, Castañeda CA, Schneidman-Duhovny D, Sali A, Nava-Tudela A, et al. (2013) Recovering a representative conformational ensemble from underdetermined macromolecular structural data. Journal of the American Chemical Society 135: 16595-16609.
Castañeda CA, Chaturvedi A, Camara CM, Curtis JE, Krueger S, et al.(2016) Linkage-specific conformational ensembles of non-canonical polyubiquitin chains. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18: 5771-5788.
Ha JH, Karchin JM, Walker-Kopp N, Castañeda CA, Loh SN (2015) Engineered domain swapping as an on/off switch for protein function. Chemistry & biology 22: 1384-1393.

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry