Carla Renata Arciola

Laboratory on Implant Infections
Orthopaedic Rizzoli Institute

Academician Infectious Diseases

Research Award from Merck Sharp & Dohme to young ophthalmologist for an experimental study on "Biocompatibility testing of implant materials by cell cultures from ocular tissues"Fellowship at the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Research Laboratory on Biocompatibility of Implant Materials. Researcher on Contract at the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Research Laboratory on Biocompatibility of Implant Materials. Medical Laboratory Assistant at the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Research Laboratory on Biocompatibility of Implant Materials. Senior Medical Manager of the Research Laboratory on Biocompatibility of Implant Materials, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute.

Research Intrest

General Pathology at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of  Bologna, Course of General Pathology and Physiopathology for medical students

List of Publications
Arciola CR, Campoccia D, Speziale P, Montanaro L, Costerton JW. Biofilm formation in Staphylococcus implant infections. A review of molecular mechanisms and implications for biofilm-resistant materials. Biomaterials. 2012 Sep 30;33(26):5967-82.
Arciola CR, Baldassarri L, Montanaro L. Presence of icaA and icaDGenes and slime production in a collection of Staphylococcal strains from catheter-associated infections. Journal of clinical microbiology. 2001 Jun 1;39(6):2151-6.
Campoccia D, Montanaro L, Arciola CR. The significance of infection related to orthopedic devices and issues of antibiotic resistance. Biomaterials. 2006 Apr 30;27(11):2331-9.