Blanca Claudia Farfan

Principal Researcher
Department of Aquaculture
Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada
United States of America

Academician Agri and Aquaculture

Blanca Claudia Farfan is currently handling project Studies in organizations of potential interest for aquaculture

Research Intrest

Genetics, Reproduction and Ecophysiology of aquatic organisms

List of Publications
Farfán, BC , Shigeno, S., Nodl, MT, & Gert De Couet, H. (2009). Developmental expression of apterous / Lhx2 / 9 in the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes supports an ancestral role in neural development . Evolution & Development , 11 (4), 354-362
Del Río Portilla, M. Á. , Vargas Peralta, CE , Farfán, BC , Sosa Barriga, IA, & García De León, FJ (2014). The complete mitochondrial DNA of the bay snook, Petenia splendida, a native Mexican cichlid . Mitochondrial DNA .

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture