Appelbaum Lior

Associate Professor
Microbiology and Virology
Bar Ilan University

Academician Microbiology

Dr. Appelbaum Lior is affiliated to the Department of Microbiology and Virology, Bar Ilan University. Dr. Appelbaum Lior is currently providing services as Associate Professor. Dr. Appelbaum Lior has published numerous publications in various national and international peer-reviewed journals and presented scientific papers across the world. Because of the active association with different societies and academies as well as the contributions, Dr. Appelbaum Lior is been recognized by the subject experts around the world. Dr. Appelbaum Lior contributions are appreciated by various reputed awards. Dr. Appelbaum Lior clinical and scientific research interests include To elucidate the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms of genetic psychiatric disorders such as psychomotor retardation, Fragile X syndrome (FXS), and sleep disturbances..

Research Intrest

To elucidate the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms of genetic psychiatric disorders such as psychomotor retardation, Fragile X syndrome (FXS), and sleep disturbances.

List of Publications
Oren M, Tarrant AM, Alon S, Simon-Blecher N, Elbaz I, Appelbaum L and Levy O (2015) Profiling molecular and behavioral circadian rhythms in the non-symbiotic sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. Scientific Reports. 5: 11418
Yelin-Bekerman L, Elbaz I, Diber A, Dahary D, Gibbs-Bar L, Alon S, Lerer-Goldshtein T and Appelbaum L (2015) Hypocretin neutron-specific transcriptome profiling identifies the sleep modulator Kcnh4a. Elife. eLife.08638.
Shamay-Ramot A, Khermesh K, Porath HT, Barak M, Pinto Y, Wachtel C, Zilberberg A, Lerer-Goldshtein T, Efroni S, Levanon EY, Appelbaum L. (2015) Fmrp Interacts with Adar and Regulates RNA Editing, Synaptic Density and Locomotor Activity in Zebrafish. Plos Genetics 11(12):e1005702.