Anthony Garza

Associate Professor
Department of Biology
Syracuse University
United States of America

Academician Microbiology

Anthony Garza is an associate professor in Department of Biology of Syracuse University, New York United States. He specializes in genetics behind biofilm formation in the non-pathogenic bacterium M. xanthus and in P. aeruginosa, a bacterium that can cause deadly infections in people who have cystic fibrosis, who are immune compromised and who have severe burns.

Research Intrest

Biofilm formation, stress resistance in bacteria, bacterial natural products.

List of Publications
Sarwar Z, Garza AG (2016) Two-Component Signal Transduction Systems That Regulate the Temporal and Spatial Expression of Myxococcus xanthus Sporulation Genes. Journal of bacteriology 198: 377-385.
Yan J, Garza AG, Bradley MD, Welch RD (2012) A Clp/Hsp100 chaperone functions in Myxococcus xanthus sporulation and self-organization. Journal of bacteriology 194: 1689-1696.