Anne-Mari Luhtanen

Marine Research
The Finnish Institute of Marine Research


I have a MSc degree and PhD degree in microbiology from the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki. I also studied marine biology. My dissertation topic was Virus-host systems in sea ice. 

Research Intrest

ALLIANCE Biochemistry of the Baltic Sea in a changing climate: From catchment to open sea Virus-host systems in sea ice 

List of Publications
J Zhou, B Delille, H Kaartokallio, G Kattner, H Kuosa (2015) Autio,Physical and bacterial controls on inorganic nutrients and dissolved organic carbon during a sea ice growth and decay experiment Marine chemistry 166, 59-69
AM Luhtanen, E Eronen-Rasimus, H Kaartokallio, JM Rintala, R Autio (2014) Isolation and characterization of phage–host systems from the Baltic Sea ice Extremophiles 18 (1), 121-130
A Senčilo, AM Luhtanen, M Saarijärvi, DH Bamford, E Roine (2015) Cold‐active bacteriophages from the Baltic Sea ice have diverse genomes and virus–host interactions Environmental microbiology 17 (10), 3628-3641