Anna Veiga

Centro de Medicina Regenerativa de Barcelona

Academician Genetics

She holds a PhD in Biological Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and was director of the In Vitro Fertilisation Laboratory at the Department of Reproductive Medicine at Dexeus University Institute (1982-2004), as well as associate professor at Pompeu Fabra University. She has carried out research on reproduction and genetics, embryonic development and the study of its quality through preimplantation diagnosis. She has gained extensive experience in the prolonged cultivation of human embryos to the blastocyst stage, as well as in laser biopsies of embryos and the cultivation and transference of biopsied embryos. Since May 2005 she has been director of the Stem Cell Bank at CMR[B]. She has carried out innovative research studies into the field of the derivation of cell lines from embryonic stem cells from surplus frozen embryos from the in vitro fertilisation programmes. The methods used try to avoid the use of animal products to allow for future clinical use of the derived cells for human subjects.

Research Intrest

Reproduction and genetics, embryonic development and the study of its quality through preimplantation diagnosis.

List of Publications
Abulí A, Boada M, Rodríguez-Santiago B, Coroleu B, Veiga A, Armengol L, Barri PN, Pérez-Jurado LA, Estivill X. (2016) NGS-Based Assay for the Identification of Individuals Carrying Recessive Genetic Mutations in Reproductive Medicine. Hum Mutat 37(6):516-23. Epub 2016 Apr 15.
Clua E, Luna M, Latre L, Coroleu B, Rodríguez I, Veiga A, Barri PN, Tur R. (2016) Evolution and results of single embryo transfer in an oocyte donation programme. Medicina Reproductiva y Embriología Clínica 3, 57-64.
Bedford-Guaus SJ, Chauvigné F, Mejía-Ramírez E, Martí M, Ventura-Rubio A, Raya Á, Cerdà J, Veiga A. (2016) Expression of the T85A mutant of zebrafish aquaporin 3b improves post-thaw survival of cryopreserved early mammalian embryos. Zygote 24(6):839-847. Epub 2016, Oct 5.
Carrasco B, Arroyo G, Gil Y, Gómez MJ, Rodríguez I, Barri PN, Veiga A, Boada M. (2017) Selecting embryos with the highest implantation potential using data mining and decision tree based on classical embryo morphology and morphokinetics. J Assist Reprod Genet. 34(8): 983-990. Epub 2017, Jun 1.
Bedford-Guaus S, Kim S, Mulero L, Vaquero JM, Morera C, Adan-Milanès R, Veiga A, Raya A. (2017)Molecular markers of putative spermatogonial stem cells in the domestic cat.. Reprod Domest Anim 52 (Suppl. 2): 177-186. Epub 2016, Nov 6.