Anna Lohning

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine
Bond University

Academician Clinical Sciences

Dr Lohning has a strong background in protein-ligand interactions which began during her PhD in Chemistry where her focus was on the design of glutathione S-transferase inhbitors as an adjunct treatment in chemotherapy. She has gained extensive knowledge base in theoretical chemistry and molecular modelling techniques which have facilitated a number of recent multi-disciplinary collaborations. Appointed to an Academic Post at Bond University in 2007 she has taught across all levels of chemistry and biochemistry as well as expanding her areas of interest to include forensic chemistry. As a result, in October 2010, Dr Lohning was appointed Bond University's PI in a joint venture on a NIRAP/QLD Smart State Grant to the value of $135,000. This project evaluated illicit drugs in wastewater in Queensland by LCMSMS. She also holds a position on the BUHREC & Biosafety Committees.

Research Intrest

Drug design, molecular modelling of protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions, Anti-cancer (prostate), anti-adhesives for bacterial infection and natural products as novel therapeutic agents.

Global Scientific Words in Clinical Sciences