Ann Holden

GIS Developer
Soil and Agrifood Institute
Cranfield University
United Kingdom


Ann Holden has considerable experience in creating GIS software applications. Ann gained a BSc honours degree in Geography and Maths at Keele University, with a distinction in computing. She then spent the next 12 years working within commercial computing mainly on software development projects. Areas of work included international banking, finance, back office sales systems, a COSHH system and an interface to a generic software change management system.

Research Intrest

Ann's research focuses on Monitoring & Environmental Informatics and Soil Resources

List of Publications
Hollis JM, Jones RJA, Marshall CJ, Holden A, Van De Veen JR & Montanarella L (2006) SPADE2: The Soil Profile Analytical Database for Europe version 1.0. Office for the official Publications of the European Communities.
Hallett SH, Boyce D, Laidoudi G, Mcintosh BS, Rinaudo JD, Courtois N, Imeson A & Holden A (2005) SCAPT: A Strategic Catchment Analysis and Planning Tool.. In: Drought and Water Deficiency: From Research to Policy Making, Cyprus, 12 May 2005.
Foereid B, Bellamy PH, Holden A & Kirk GJD (2012) On the initialization of soil carbon models and its effects on model predictions for England and Wales, European Journal of Soil Science, 63 (1) 32-41.