Angela Gutchess

Associate Professor
Brandeis University
United States of America

Academician Psychiatry

Angela Gutchess Completed her Ph.D in Psychology from University of Michigan, Cognition & Perception area, 2004 Certificate in Cognitive Science and Cogn itive Neuroscience. Dissertation: The Neural Correlates of Picture Encoding: fMRI Investigations of Age and Cross-Cultural Differences. A.M. in Psychology from University of Michigan, 2002 B.A. in Psychology & English; B.S. in English Education Summa Cum Laude with Distinction, Boston University, 19 Honors: Phi Beta Kappa Sigma Xi Psi Chi Golden Key Honor Society Departmental Associate, University of Michigan Awards: Travel award to attend workshop on "Opportunities for Advancing Behavioral and Social Research on Aging: An Introduction for Psychological Scientists”, 2008 Summer Institute on Aging Research, 2007 Neural Systems of Social Behavior Conference Travel Award, 2007 HealthEmotions Research Institute Symposium Scholar, 2006, “Order and Disorder in the Social Brain”, Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion John Merck Summer Institute on the Biology of Developmental Disorders, 2006, Princeton University. HealthEmotions Research Institute Symposium Fellow, 2005 & 2007, Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion Vivian Smith Advanced Studies Summer Institute of the International Neuropsychological Society, 2004, “The Human Frontal Lobes”, Xylocastro, Greece APA Dissertation Research Award, 2004 APA Division of Adult Development and AgingAward for Outstanding Doctoral Research, 2004 Psi Chi / Erlbaum Award in Cognitive Science, 2004 Rackham One-Term Dissertation Fellowship, 2004 Michigan Teaching Fellow title awarded upon selection to Preparing Future Faculty Program, 2004 Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, 2002, Dartmouth College National Science Foundation Fellowship Honorable Mention, 1999 APA Student Travel Award, 2002 Boston University Trustee Scholarship (full tuition merit scholarship), 1994-1998

Research Intrest

Aging, Culture, and Cognition

List of Publications
Zebrowitz LA, Boshyan J, Ward N, Gutchess A, Hadjikhani N. The older adult positivity effect in evaluations of trustworthiness: emotion regulation or cognitive capacity?. PloS one. 2017 Jan 6;12(1):e0169823.
Kensinger EA, Gutchess AH. Cognitive aging in a social and affective context: Advances over the past 50 years. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. 2017 Jan 1;72(1):61-70.
Auslander MV, Thomas AK, Gutchess AH. Confidence Moderates the Role of Control Beliefs in the Context of Age-Related Changes in Misinformation Susceptibility. Experimental Aging Research. 2017 May 27;43(3):305-22.