Andrew Levy

Reader i n Psychology
Department of Psychology
Edge Hill University
United Kingdom

Academician Psychiatry

Dr. Andrew Levey complete his BSc (Hons) in Sport, Recreation & Physical Education from Liverpool Hope University in 2000 & MSc in Sport Psychology from Liverpool John Moores University in 2001.He complete his PhD in Sport & Exercise Psychology from University of Hull in 2006.

Research Intrest

Psychology of Injury Rehabilitation Stress, Coping, and Emotion Sports Confidence Mental Toughness Health Behaviour

List of Publications
Levy, A., & Lightman, S. (2003). Molecular defects in the pathogenesis of pituitary tumours. Frontiers in neuroendocrinology, 24(2), 94-127.
Levy, A., Crown, A., & Reid, R. (2003). Endocrine intervention for transsexuals. Clinical Endocrinology, 59(4), 409-418.
Murphy, D., Levy, A., Lightman, S., & Carter, D. (1989). Vasopressin RNA in the neural lobe of the pituitary: dramatic accumulation in response to salt loading. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 86(22), 9002-9005.