Andrea Rinaldi

Research associate
Genomics Facility
Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland

Academician Genetics

May 2003- present Senior biologist at the Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland, Bellinzona, Switzerland. September 2002 - May 2003 Visiting Scientist at the Dept. of Haematology, Barts and The London School of Medicine, London, UK. May 2000 - May 2003 Research Fellowship from the “Città della Speranza” Foundation , laboratory for Pediatric Oncohaematology, Pediatrics Department, University of Padova, Padova Italy. September 1999 - May 2000. Graduate Researcher at the Haematology Clinic, Clinica Pediatrica, University Hospital of Bari, Bari, Italy. 1999 Research Fellowship, Ministero della Sanità : intra-hospital ISDN Videonetwork for the study and care of congenital cardiopathies (ex art. 12 comma 2, lett. B del DLGS 502/92 Regione Puglia, Italy). 1998 Research Fellowship: Istituto Superiore di Sanità n.93/G/T66 with the project: “Mother-child health risks prevention factors”. Objectives: infection risk assessment at the UTIN (Unità Terapie Intensive Neonatali; newborn intensive therapy unit of the Azienda University Hospital of Foggia, Foggia, Italy). 1994-1999. Graduate student at the Immunology and cell biology laboratory Clinica Pediatrica. Bologna

Research Intrest

My primary research interest consists in identification of novel genes as a possible therapeutic targets in lymphomas. I’m currently working with the Affymetrix GeneChip to perform global transcript analysis and genome-wide DNA profiling. In particular, I am studying the role of Syk tyrosine kinase in lymphomas. At the present time I’m involved in understanding differences in gene expression in clinical trials

List of Publications
Rinaldi A, Poretti G, Kwee I, Zucca E, Catapano CV, Tibiletti MG, Bertoni F. Concomitant MYC and microRNA cluster miR-17-92 (C13orf25) amplification in human mantle cell lymphoma. Leukemia & lymphoma. 2007 Jan 1;48(2):410-2.
Rinaldi A, Mian M, Chigrinova E, Arcaini L, Bhagat G, Novak U, Rancoita PM, De Campos CP, Forconi F, Gascoyne RD, Facchetti F. Genome-wide DNA profiling of marginal zone lymphomas identifies subtype-specific lesions with an impact on the clinical outcome. Blood. 2011 Feb 3;117(5):1595-604.
Rinaldi A, Kwee I, Taborelli M, Largo C, Uccella S, Martin V, Poretti G, Gaidano G, Calabrese G, Martinelli G, Baldini L. Genomic and expression profiling identifies the B‐cell associated tyrosine kinase Syk as a possible therapeutic target in mantle cell lymphoma. British journal of haematology. 2006 Feb 1;132(3):303-16.