Anamika Bhargava

Assistant Professor
Medical Sciences
Doctor Hari Singh Gour University

Academician Biochemistry

Dr. Bhargava is working in Department of Medical Sciences in Biological Science school of Doctor Hari Singh Gour University, India.

Research Intrest

Voltage gated calcium channels in physiology and pathophysiology, Cell signaling

List of Publications
Singh A, Hildebrand ME, Garcia E, Snutch TP (2010 ) TRPC antagonist SKF 96365 is a potent blocker of T-type calcium channels. Br J Pharmacol 160:1464-1475.
Bhargava A, Lin X, Novak P, Mehta K, Korchev Y, et al. (2013) Super-resolution scanning patch-clamp reveals clustering of functional ion channels in the adult ventricular myocyte. Circ Res 12: 1112-1120.
Hong TT, Yang H, Zhang SS, Cheol C, Kalashnikova M, et al. (2014) Cardiac BIN1 folds T-tubule membrane, controlling ion flux and limiting arrhythmia. Nature Medicine.

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry