Ana Aranda

Assistant Professor
Business & Economics
Catolica Lisbon School of Business & Economics


  Ana Aranda obtained a Bachelor degree in Management with minors in Economics and Business Law from the School of Management, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). She obtained a graduate diploma in Marketing from the same University. After completing her studies, she worked in industry and as a strategy consultant in Colombia. In 2010, she moved to the Netherlands, where she obtained a Master in Strategic Management (cum laude) and a Research Master in Business (cum laude) from Tilburg University. In the spring of 2014 she was a visiting research fellow at MIT Sloan. She obtained her PhD degree from Tilburg University and is currently an assistant professor at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics.    

Research Intrest

Strategic Management, Organizational Theory, Contested Industries.

List of Publications
Shah S, Islam MN, Dakshanamurthy S, Rizvi I, Rao M, Herrell R, Zinser G, Valrance M, Aranda A, Moras D, Norman A. The molecular basis of vitamin D receptor and β-catenin crossregulation. Molecular cell. 2006 Mar 17;21(6):799-809.
Bedo G, Santisteban P, Aranda A. Retinoic acid regulates growth hormone gene expression. Nature. 1989 May 18;339(6221):231-4.
Aranda A, Pascual A. Nuclear hormone receptors and gene expression. Physiological reviews. 2001 Jul 1;81(3):1269-304.

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