Amanda M. Countryman

Assistant Professor
Agriculture and Resource Economics
Colorado State University
United States of America

Academician Agri and Aquaculture

Amanda M. Countryman is Assistant Professor in Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Colorado State University. She has done her M.S. in Agricultural Economics from Texas A&M University (2007). She has completed her Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics Purdue University (2010). 

Research Intrest

Amanda M. Countryman research interest includes: Computable general equilibrium modeling techniques to investigate the economic implications of international trade policy, focusing specifically on the impacts of trade reform on agriculture. Amanda M. Countryman investigate issues related to the Doha Development Agenda of the World Trade Organization as well as bilateral and multilateral trade partnerships, nontariff barriers to trade, the role of agricultural trade policy on poverty as well as trade issues related to livestock and meat sectors.

List of Publications
Countryman AM, Francois J, Rojas-Romagosa H (2016) Melting Ice Caps: Implications for Asia-North America Linkages and the Panama Canal. J Int Trade Global Market 9: 325-369.
Countryman AM, Francois J, Rojas-Romagosa H (2016) Melting Ice Caps: Implications for Asia-North America Linkages and the Panama Canal. J Int Trade Global Market 9: 325-369.
Countryman AM, Lee JG, Paarlberg PL (2016) Dynamic Effects of Drought on the U.S. Beef Supply Chain. Agri Resour Econom Rev 45: 459-484.

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture