Leicester School of Pharmacy
De Montfort University
United Kingdom
Ali Al-khattawi is a Lecturer in Pharmaceutics at DMU’s Leicester School of Pharmacy. He joined the school in 2015, after undertaking Postdoctoral Research roles at the Institute of Particle Science and Engineering in Leeds, UK and at the Drug Delivery Research Group of Aston University in Birmingham, UK. Prior to that, Ali obtained his PhD in Pharmaceutics from Aston University where he researched fast disintegrating solid dosage forms, excipients’ functionality assessment and particle engineering. So far, his research received the following awards: International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council (IPEC) research excellence award, RSC - Process Technology Group Award and APS - GSK poster prize award as well as other symposia/internal prizes.
Novel particle engineering strategies using spray drying for pharmaceutical and bio-medical applications (encapsulation of proteins, peptides and other bio-molecules) Development of novel process configurations to enable feasible continuous granulation during spray drying Optimising the flow behaviour of spray dried powders to enable direct compression tableting Deposition and fouling within industrial pharmaceutical spray dryers and the development of novel PAT monitoring systems