Aldo Toni

Orthopaedic Rizzoli Institute

Academician Orthopaedics

He is in charge of several research projects funded by the Ministry of Health, the National Council for Research and the European Economic Community. He is member of scientific societies with ultra-specialist focuses: European Hip Society; Orthopaedic Research Society; European Orthopedic Research Society; Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology; International Hip Society; International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty; American Academy of Orthopeadic Surgeon; Italian Orthopaedic Research Society. He is author of over 300 scientific publications. He is co-editor of the scientific review Hip International, official organ of the European Hip Society. He is member of the editorial board of the following scientific reviews: Biomaterials; Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Br); Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.

Research Intrest

He is especially dedicated to the treatment of hip degenerative pathologies, with a particular attention to the use of prosthetic innovation concerning both materials (ceramic-ceramic compositions) and implant surgical technique (mini-invasive access). He has developed an pre-operatory evaluation technique by utilizing advanced technologies for the pre-operatory assessment and the planning of the intervention in case of significant articular deformities (outcome of congenital hip luxations, of trauma…) and in case of re-implants. He has performed as first operator 3.515 interventions of major surgery, 2.295 of which were prosthetic interventions: hip or knee prostheses or prosthetic revisions of the aforementioned joints.

List of Publications
Viceconti M, Casali M, Massari B, Cristofolini L, Bassini S, Toni A. The ‘standardized femur program’proposal for a reference geometry to be used for the creation of finite element models of the femur. Journal of biomechanics. 1996 Sep 1;29(9):1241.
Viceconti M, Bellingeri L, Cristofolini L, Toni A. A comparative study on different methods of automatic mesh generation of human femurs. Medical engineering & physics. 1998 Apr 30;20(1):1-0.
Cristofolini L, Viceconti M, Cappello A, Toni A. Mechanical validation of whole bone composite femur models. Journal of biomechanics. 1996 Apr 1;29(4):525-35.