Adam Qureshi

Senior Lecturer
Department of Psychology
Edge Hill University
United Kingdom

Academician Psychiatry

Dr Adam Qureshi complete his BSc in Chemistry from University of Warwick in 2000 , BSc (Hons) in Psychology from Coventry University in 2003 ,MRes Psychology from University of Birmingham in 2005 & PhD Psychology from University of Birmingham in 2009.

Research Intrest

Perspective taking and theory of mind in adults, and the role of theory of mind and gaze direction in online communication using virtual agents

List of Publications
Qureshi, A. W., Apperly, I. A., & Samson, D. (2010). Executive function is necessary for perspective selection, not Level-1 visual perspective calculation: Evidence from a dual-task study of adults. Cognition, 117(2), 230-236.
Monk, R., Qureshi, A., & Pennington, C. (2017). Generalised inhibitory impairment to appetitive cues: From alcoholic to non-alcoholic visual stimuli. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.